Welcome to
Mobile, Alabama H.O.G.® Chapter #4167


     Our chapter is a local chapter of the Harley Owners Group. We are sponsored by Mobile Bay Harley Davidson.  The chapter is a family oriented group and our mission is simple..... 

Ride Often and Have Fun Doing It !

We share our love of riding our Harley Davidsons and the camaraderie that comes with it. Join us at our monthly meeting, or at the HOG table on Saturdays at Mobile Bay Harley and find out how much fun we are having.        

                     Officers for 2025

Director -                   Chris Ross

Assistant Director -   Richard Middlebrooks

Head Road Captain - Richard Dodd 

Secretary -                 Carol Bayley

Treasurer -                 Joy Sprague

Membership -            Patty Stenger

Activities Director -  Ashlie Ross Houston

Safety Officer -         Norris Whitten

Ladies of Harley -     Vivian Whitten

Chaplin -                   Wesley McClure

Web Master -             Sam Porter


    Our chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:00 am. The meetings are held at Mobile Bay Harley-Davidson in the Hog Heaven room. Please feel free to visit with our chapter and join us for a good time. Come a little early to socialize with our members and, weather permitting, there is usually a lunch ride after the meeting. Come join us for food, fun and great fellowship. 

                                          2025 Meeting Dates


                                        Jan. 18th        Jul. 19th

                                        Feb. 15th       Aug 16th

                                        Mar. 15th       Sep. 20th

                                        Apr. 19th       Oct. 18th

                                        May 17th       Nov. 15th

                                        Jun. 21st        Dec. 20th*

                                     * Christmas Party

If you are not a current member, please join us at one of our meetings, see one of our officers, or check with our dealership, Mobile Bay Harley Davidson.  


Ladies of Harley