Calendar of Events

Note:  All ride times are the time of departure, please arrive at least 20 min. prior to departure.


Click here for a larger version of the Calendar


Thes are usually in Abobe Acrobat formatted files.  If you need the Adobe Reader to open these files, go here and download the latest Acrobat Reader.



Event Statement

Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G.® chapter members. There are three categories of activities, all activities are identified as follows: all events closed unless otherwise stated per event.

  • Closed events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members and one guest per member.
  • Member events are events that are open only to H.O.G.®  members
  • Open events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members, national H.O.G.®  members and other guests as desired.